Occupational Therapist - Home and Community

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Pre Employment and Work Rights Checks

This assessment is based on the Critical Job Demands (physical tasks) of the role you are seeking. We do this to ensure that you are able to safely perform the genuine occupational requirements of the role. We are serious about your safety as we are of our clients' safety.

In addition, Federal legislation requires all workers’ in the Aged Care Sector to obtain a Federal Police Check. All employees of Bolton Clarke are required to pass and maintain a satisfactory police check.

(VEVO) process. A copy of your current passport will be required to undertake this check.

Cover note and Resume

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I declare that the information I have provided is true and correct. I declare that this application is a true reflection of my skills and experience. I understand and agree that giving false or misleading information is an offence and may lead to disqualification from the selection process, or termination of my employment if I am the successful candidate.
